Excavations carried out near the village of Gorenci, around 9 km from Ohrid (Suva Cesma, Tri Celusti and Vrtulka), have shown the presence of certain material indicating that the site dated back from the late period of the Iron Age II. Going back chronologically through the Iron Age in Macedonia, new cultural developments can be traced back to the VI and V century BC This period is marked as the Iron Age III, or the period of formation of the Macedonian archaic style manifested by the "principal's crypts". These tombs were discovered in the necropolis "Trebenista" near village Gorenci. Another necropolis from the same period was discovered near the village Recica, northern of Ohrid.
In the archaeological excavations that started in 1918 and were carried out with interruptions until 1972 a total of 56 burial structures were discovered. The majority of them contained wealthy funeral artifacts.
During the VI century BC formation and presence of certain ethnic groups in the Balkans was already evident. In the Ohrid region, the Enhelians were mentioned. The most significant findings are the golden funeral masks contained in the rich "principal" crypts in Gorenci. The masks were made out of golden tin and they are subjects of a series of observations in the scientific world. According to some scientists, the characteristics of their style, i.e. the incrusted ornamental patterns, are characteristic for the Greek art from VI century BC Others claim that these patterns can be related only to the Macedonian art.
Today the precious findings of the necropolis "Trebenista" beautify the exhibition stands of the museums in Sofia - Bulgaria and Belgrade - FR Yugoslavia.
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